Scuba in Flower Gardens, Gulf of Mexico

THEORY - poetry

Theories Help Everyone Obviate Reality's Yardstick

An eclectic collection of poetry of several genres

Always in her heart
A concrete playground full of broken glass
A lovelorn child of days gone past
Together for one moment glued in time
Bound not knowing what she may find
So she draws on the tarmac with bits of chalk
a little soldier taking a walk
Through rusty swings and mangled slides
This little girl doodles with pride
For she's found a ray of happiness amongst all the gray
The other children long gone away
And she plays make-believe
wiping snot on her sleeve
As the ashes are blown in the wind
the fires are extinguished while she sings
Long ago this place was beautiful and quite serene
Yet she doesn't worry about what might have been
A better time, a different face
A new swing-set, a cleaner place
It doesn't matter to her now or ever
she draws on, the view is better
For bird's-eye view of a broken park
When all was damaged and all was stark
This child kept her love in heart
A park ,a girl, never apart.